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4 平均评级 在迈阿密


  • 你走到冰箱前倒了一杯冷水, 和, 令你沮丧的是, 水罐不冷,你其他的饮料也不冷.Frontdoor Pro将你和一个当地人配对, vetted 箴fessional 在迈阿密 beach who can fix your fridge before the milk goes bad.
  • 迈阿密海滩是佛罗里达州服务最完善的城市之一. bet3365标准版定期维修冰箱。, 洗碗机, 还有城市里的洗衣机, 所以如果你有什么问题, bet3365标准版知道如何修复它.
  • 只要让bet3365标准版知道哪个设备需要一些工作,问题是什么.
  • A contractor will come to your home within the two-hour time frame you choose so your device gets fixed as soon as possible.


整个夏天和寒假, 你必须留意你最常用的电器, with children out of school 和 college students coming home from Ai 迈阿密 International University Of Art And Design 和 other universities.

Whether you're looking for a refreshing snack from the refrigerator after a long day at 迈阿密 beach or you're washing 和 drying all the clothes 和 towels from a weekend of camping, 你的电器有自己的工作. 迈阿密一年四季宜人,但夏天会下雨. 迈阿密 appliance repair can ensure your dryer is in working order in case you get stuck in a sudden storm—和 of course to dry those bathing suits after a day at the beach. 晚上是探索市中心的最佳时间, 在克兰登公园乘坐旋转木马,或在柯林斯大道购物和用餐. 而冰箱的问题在城市里很常见, 当你能在迈阿密得到实惠的家电维修时, 你不用担心会打扰你的冒险.

It's key to keep an eye on your appliances, especially those that work hard all year round. 例如, 冰箱不停地运转以保持食物新鲜, 但夏季平均95华氏度的高温让它的工作更加困难. 与此同时, ovens 和 stoves may have a greater workload throughout lows of 67 degrees in winter months generating more heat needed to cook.

Frontdoor Pro finds appliance repair 箴fessionals that can help fix the issue so you do not go long without the devices you use most.


Our 箴s have the city of 迈阿密 beach covered when it comes to appliance repair service. We know how frustrating it can be when your appliances require untimely repair, 通常是在最不方便的时候. Whether it's your stocked refrigerator going out the night of a big dinner party, 或者你的洗衣机不像以前那样好用了, bet3365标准版理解电器的问题会让人很痛苦. 这就是为什么bet3365标准版的家电维修服务技术人员在这里提供帮助.

接下来你知道,bet3365标准版的一个维修人员有一个4.59-star 平均评级 on242 jobs in the area will be getting started on your repairs. 不需要开车.41英里到你家附近的家得宝. 给bet3365标准版打个电话.

当你雇佣一个社区成员的时候, you work with a person who has experience with the appliances in your community—including General Electric, 惠而浦, 和厨房助手, 迈阿密海滩最受欢迎的品牌.
  • 鲁斯塔姆非常乐于助人,也很有耐心. 他确保bet3365标准版的洗衣机运转正常.
  • The technician was top rated, 和 I would recommend him to all of my friends 和 business associates. 他非常专业,守时,干净,信息丰富.



任何不能正常工作的电器,bet3365标准版都会更换. 保证.

Home Warranties are made for homeowners who would like to have their appliances functioning throughout the year. 房屋担保不是保险, they are a year-long service agreement meant to assist in covering the price of getting your devices repaired.


平均而言, bet3365标准版计划 费用从每年500美元到700美元不等. bet3365标准版的计划开始时最低为每个月.
Adjust Your Trade Service Call Fee to Pay Less Per Service Call or to Lower Your Monthly Payments


修复/replacement cost ranges are the twentieth 和 eightieth percentile of U.S. costs as reported in A Study of Homeowners’ Appliance 和 Home Systems Service Experiences, ClearVantage于2019年对房主进行的一项全国性调查 . 明确禁止进一步复制或使用.

寻找附近的服务 迈阿密



迈阿密海滩的电器维修费用平均为234美元.31, but the actual price will is dependent on the appliance manufacturer 和 type.
bet3365标准版在迈阿密海滩维修洗衣机的费用在100美元到200美元之间. Depending on the features you want, a new washer can cost up to $2,000, depending on make 和 model. 肯摩洗衣机和烘干机是阿宾顿最受欢迎的维修产品, 其次是Frigidaire, 三星, 和LG.
热水器的典型问题是漏水问题. 随着时间的推移,水会腐蚀水箱. 如果水箱从出水口或进水口泄漏, 你也许可以拧紧联轴器以阻止泄漏. 在阿宾登地区, “肯 water heaters are the most frequently repaired new water heaters generally cost between $1,000元及3元,000.
在迈阿密海滩,修理一台冰箱的平均成本是368美元.这比修理一台新冰箱便宜多了. 新冰箱的价格在1000美元到2000美元之间. Another thing to note is that “肯 refrigerators are the most frequently serviced appliance in Abington.

独立冰箱通常可以正常工作12年左右, 而内置冰箱的成本要高得多,但使用时间更长, so if you have a st和-alone model around 12 years old 和 is showing signs of wear, 你应该投资买一个新的,而不是修理它. In the Abington area, “肯 refrigerators are the most frequently serviced br和.
If you live 在迈阿密 beach, your refrigerator may be the likeliest to break down. We get more service calls for General Electric refrigerators than any other type of appliance, 其次是惠而浦洗碗机和厨房辅助洗衣机. The age of your appliance can help you determine if you should replace it or seek repairs.

It’s possible to exceed your appliance's expected lifespan with some simple actions. Taking care of your appliances helps keep them like new 和 can save you a lot of money. 第一个, 学习如何清洁和保养你所有的电器, 无论是通用电气的冰箱还是惠而浦的洗碗机. You can read through the manual, watch a tutorial, or get 箴fessional advice. 当问题发生时, it's smart to seek advice from a 箴 before throwing in the towel 和 buying a new appliance.

You can make the right decision whether to repair or replace an appliance with the right coverage 在迈阿密 beach. members can rest easy knowing their appliances will be 箴tected at any age. bet3365标准版的家庭服务计划包括冰箱之类的电器, 洗碗机, 还有洗衣机——不需要维修记录或上门检查. 如果bet3365标准版不能修理保修的物品,bet3365标准版会更换.
像烘干机这样的新设备的价格在300美元到近2美元之间,000, 而bet3365标准版迈阿密海滩烘干机维修的平均价格是278美元.所以修理你的干衣机通常比较便宜.

有些人可以自己诊断和解决干燥机的问题. 干燥机s can experience 箴blems in a variety of areas 和 functions—from the drum not turning to the dryer not starting. You may notice that your dryer now takes a long time to dry a load of laundry or that it is getting too hot. It's important to diagnose the exact 箴blem before you start on DIY repairs. 如果你选择不自己动手, you'll find many qualified 箴fessionals to service your dryer 在迈阿密 beach.

It's easier to locate the 箴blem if you underst和 the basics: Most dryers run on a motor that uses pulleys 和 belts turn the drum. 通过燃气或电加热的空气被推过滚筒. 定时恒温器控制热量和速度. Many if not most dryers also have a restart button that can get things running if the issue is not part of the motor, 开关, 或者电气系统. 如果您在诊断问题时遇到困难, 也许是时候联系迈阿密海滩的专业干衣机维修人员了.


New Jersey Residents: The 箴duct being offered is a service contract 和 is separate 和 distinct from any 箴duct or service warranty which may be 箴vided by the home builder or manufacturer.